Premier Elevator Services in Texas

AES proudly offers exceptional elevator services in El Paso, TX. Whether you need a maintenance or a new installation, our team of experts provides efficient solutions for all your elevator needs.

Maintenance and Repair

Is your elevator constantly experiencing downtime or requiring frequent repairs? AES has the solution. Our technicians are on-call 24/7 to handle any issues, ensuring minimal disruption to your business. We take pride in having the fastest response time in El Paso and the surrounding areas.

Our team has the knowledge and experience to effectively troubleshoot and diagnose any problem. Let our experts create an elevator service plan that suits your specific needs. Contact us today for a quote.

Worker Doing A Maintenance
Inside an Elevator


If your old elevators still function fine, you might think modernization is an unnecessary expense. However, outdated components and worn-out elevator cabs can be dangerous while also diminishing the aesthetic appeal of your building. Elevator modernization is necessary to extend the lifespan of your elevator, add value to your property, and ensure safety. We exclusively use non-proprietary equipment, allowing us to provide tailored solutions without limitations posed by other products. Schedule an appointment with one of our modernization experts to take your elevator to the next level.

New Installation

With our team of elevator installation experts and our dedication to open communication, we deliver the best results for you and your business. Over the years, we have worked closely with contractors, foremen, and architects to seamlessly integrate elevators into new and upgraded buildings. Contact us today to discuss your installation needs and experience our exceptional service firsthand.

Worker Doing Preventive Maintenance
Technicians at Work Adjusting Elevator

State Inspection

We perform annual and five-year state inspections. Inspections are required for all elevators in the State of Texas. Trust us to ensure your elevators comply with safety standards and regulations. Schedule your elevator inspection with us today.